Brooklyn Trail

The Brooklyn Trail engraving site features these two large life-size figures. The upper figure has an interesting head-dress. The figure below appears to have a spear lodged in his head. This composite image was taken by rock art hunter Ron V.

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of two figures

Two Figures
© Ron V.

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of two figures

Two Figures Outline
© Ron V.

This false color image shows a small figure that is facing across the valley towards Muogamarra. Nearby are carvings of two circles that could be full moon emblems.

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of a small figure

Small Figure

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of two circles


This engraving shows a large fish.

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of a large fish


This a beautiful engraving of a small whale. This beast is about 5 meters long. This is a false color image.

Brooklyn Trail - an engraving of a whale


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