Allambie Heights

Located in suburban Sydney, Gumbooya Reserve in Allambie Heights has a very fine collection of aboriginal rock engravings including whales, figures and many fish. This very large rock platform is surrounded by houses and a main road runs alongside. There is a nice view across to the northern beaches.

These are engravings of three life-size figures with outstretched arms.

Allambie Heights - an engraving of three figures

Three Figures
Natural colour – 84 frames

This is a very nice little engraving of a flathead.

Allambie Heights - an engraving of a flathead

Natural colour – 6 frames


A few streets away in Cootamundra Drive Reserve is this very nicely detailed engraving of a kangaroo.

Allambie Heights - an engraving of a kangaroo

Natural colour – 3 frames

3 thoughts on “Allambie Heights

  1. Lauren Taylor

    I was wondering if you had any information on the rock engraving at Cootamundra Drive Reserve because this is the only website that seems to have any reference to rock engravings there.

  2. Sydney Rock Art Post author

    Unfortunately, we have no further information about that engraving. Stylistically, it may not be an indigenous work.

  3. John Paterson

    Just down the hill at the end of Malinya Road (next to The Beach School) there is a large flat rock with at least one carving of a fish however it was covered over last time I tried to find it.


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