America Bay Track

The America Bay Track aboriginal rock engraving site is fairly small and located in a swampy secluded spot. The main engraving is a 5 meter long orca.

America Bay Track - an engraving of an orca


On the lower right section of the orca is this carving of a female figure.

America Bay Track - an engraving of a female figure

Female Figure

Near the center of the orca is an engraved stingray. The stingray has a long tail and two eyes.

America Bay Track - an engraving of a stingray


Behind the upper fin of the orca is a very nice engraved goanna.

America Bay Track - an engraving of a goanna


At another engraving site along the track is this large Daramulum figure. Inside the figure is a round shape with a long tail, probably a stingray. Near the foot of the figure is an unusual double boomerang design and some mundoes. Near the center of this image is a fish. This image shows an area of about 6 meters by 4 meters and comprises of 716 separate photographs.

America Bay Track - an engraving of Daramulum


This image shows a very unusual ‘double boomerang’ design.

America Bay Track - an engraving of a double boomerang

Double Boomerang

America Bay Track - an engraving of a fish


America Bay Track - an engraving of a fish


America Bay Track - an engraving of a goanna


3 thoughts on “America Bay Track

  1. Brett

    Awesome photos. how did you get the photos so well cut. The rock carvings seem hard to make out compare to these.?

    1. Sydney Rock Art Post author

      We mostly use a technique that involves reverse mounting a remote flash unit beneath a tripod so that the flash fires at a very shallow angle across the rock face. This allows us to be able to photograph engravings regardless of the ambient light conditions. The flash only lights a small area of the rock surface so it can take many (100’s or even 1000’s) of shots to capture a large engraving.

  2. Selena Griffith

    There are a bunch more engravings – 2 men hunting wallabies on thus track above a waterfall on the creek that runs down the LHS of the track on the way down to the bay


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