Moon Rock

The Moon Rock engraving site depicts a lunar year and shows a series of twelve moon carvings alongside corresponding local events. The biggest moon is above the head of this large figure. This is a false colour image.

Moon Rock - an engraving of a figure with the moon

Figure With Moon
False Colour – 292 frames

Moon Rock - an engraving of 4 moons and a mundoe

4 Moons With Mundoe
Natural Colour – 14 frames

Moon Rock - an engraving of 4 moons and a mundoe

4 Moons With Mundoe
Natural Colour – 1 frame

This panel shows three engraved eels alongside a 3 meter long multi-point spear. The early settlers called this type of spear a ‘fizz-gig’.

Moon Rock - an engraving of three eels and a multi point spear

Eels And Spear
Remote Flash – 23 frames

Moon Rock - an engraving of a large fish

Large Fish
Remote Flash – 12 frames

This goanna has been speared in the head. The objects nearby may represent emu eggs.

Moon Rock - an engraving of a goanna

Remote Flash – 12 frames

This image shows two decorated eels laying nose to tail heading toward a moon emblem.

Moon Rock - an engaving of two eels and the moon

Eels And Moon
Remote Flash – 14 frames

Moon Rock - an engraving of a striped eel

Striped Eel
Remote Flash – 8 frames

This false colour image shows an engraving of a five meter shark with an open mouth. The image on the left may represent a small canoe that the great shark is chasing.

Moon Rock - an engraving of a small canoe

Small Canoe
Natural Colour – 7 frames

Moon Rock - an engraving of a shark

False Colour – 621 frames

This creature looks like some kind of unusual fish, but it is actually an eel. The ‘tail’ is a moon emblem that is touching the end of the eel.

Moon Rock - an engraving of an eel with the moon

Eel With Moon
Natural Colour – 11 frames

This set of engravings shows a line of three fish with a bird carved over the leading fish. This same theme can be found at the Washtub Gully engraving site. Maybe these engravings share a similar story? Some mundoes can also be seen here.

Moon Rock - an engraving of a bird and three fish

Bird And Three Fish
Natural Colour – 109 frames

Moon Rock - an outline of an engraving of three fish and a bird

Bird And Three Fish Outline

This very faint figure is carrying a shield and spear. In this image wheel marks from mountain bikes can be clearly seen.

Moon Rock - an engraving of a figure with shield and spear

Figure With Shield
Remote Flash – 19 frames

This small group of two boomerangs and a shield are located nearer the entry to this site.

Moon Rock - an engraving of two boomerangs and a shield

Boomerangs And Shield

3 thoughts on “Moon Rock

  1. Carolyn

    Mountain bike riders are riding over these engravings. I fear that they will be lost if they aren’t protected.


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