Scout Camp Road

This very secluded site features a large 3 meter tall Baiame figure. Near the Baiame figure is this engraving of a woman. She is wearing a very tall headdress. Perhaps this is Birrahgnooloo.

Scout Camp Road - an engraving of a woman


This image shows two figures. The top figure has a headdress similar to nearby Bulgandry Man. The lower figure is wearing a high pointed headpiece. At the lower left is a large fish which might be a flounder.

Scout Camp Road - an engraving of two figures and a fish

Two Figures And Fish

This creature is probably some kind of shark. It spans about 2.5 meters.

Scout Camp Road - an engraving of a shark


This engraving shows a moon emblem, about 30cm across.

Scout Camp Road - an engraving of the moon


On the way to the scout camp is this mundoe that points toward the large Biame engraving.



Inside the camp, above a large waterfall is this small engraving that probably represents some kind of fish.


5 thoughts on “Scout Camp Road

    1. Sydney Rock Art Post author

      There are a number of figures inscribed on this platform including Baiame and the emu woman. We are happy to be corrected if anyone has other information about this site. The site is within earshot of a main road, but access is not easy through the thick and prickly scrub.


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